I am in the midst of a two week trip to Holland right now. If you've ever heard anything about Holland, it has probably been that it is cold and rainy and gray. Well, over the past 7 days that I have been here, it has been sunny, mild, and we haven't had a drop of rain. I am here for Field Orientation with Christian Associates! It has been a great trip so far. I am learning a ton, getting to know fellow church planters from other parts of Europe (Holland, Belgium, Germany, France, Sweden, Spain, and Poland), and generally becoming more and more exhausted each day. We have 3 sessions every day. They have been great, but despite my exceptionally large brain and super human inteligence, I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around all that I'm hearing. Hopefully my notes will be a good reminder later when I can fully process all that I am hearing now. I will try to write again shortly after I return home and hopefully include some photos. Until then, make different mistakes!
(P.S. I do know that I spelled intelligence incorrectly above. I was just trying to be funny. HaHa. This is all the humor I have right now. I am tired!)