I am a missionary in Spain who desires for the power of the Holy Spirit to be unleashed in me, to be unabashed about the love of Christ, and unafraid to go where God calls. These are my stories in this journey of letting God have everything.

28 October 2006


Last Thursday I went to Troy and Heather's to just hang out on our day off. Heather helped (aka, did everything) change the colors on my blog and we watched a couple of movies. Troy posted a couple of new blog entries and told me that I needed to post again. I have been meaning to and even have a few things written down to blog about but here I am over a week later and finally getting around to it. Better late than never right?!

Something that I really appreciate about God is that He doesn't need any of us. He will reveal Himself however He wants. He doesn't need us Christians to show Him to others. I really appreciate that He uses us but I also appreciate that you can see God in many things, even if they aren't "Christian." For example, I recently read "Pigs in Heaven" by Barbara Kingsolver and saw God in this "secular" book. At one point one of the characters is in a casino in Vegas and this is what she says, "In truth, Alice thinks Las Vegas was far more interesting the list time. She remembers people crowded around a green felt table, each one bringing a different story and a different need to that smoky room, joined together in a moment of risk and hope. In a way it was like church, with more interesting clothes." I think that this is a pretty accurate description of what the church should be; a place that people come together with different stories and needs taking a risk and acting in hope.

Another place in the book Kingsolver gives us a glimpse of what love should look like by using the example of a mother protecting her children. This is what it says, "For the reason mothers throw themselves in front of traffic or gunfire to save their offspring. 'I don't have children,' she says finally, 'I suppose I don't know that kind of love.' 'I suppose I don't either. To put yourself second, every time, no questions asked? Sounds like holy communion.'" What a beautiful picture of love. Always putting the other person first.

Thanks God for revealing yourself everywhere, thanks for not having to depend on humans. He really is amazing!!!


stephen said...

it's about time you post again. good, good thoughts. i sometimes catch myself with the arrogant thoughts that GOD needs me to do something in order for his name to be glorified. i get caught up in the thoughts that GOD needs me. GOD doesn't need me, but he chooses me to be apart of his redemptive process here on earth.

how glorious! to be called even when we aren't needed.

keep 'em coming.

spain dad said...

I agree, and felt the same thing this week when I was watching a great movie called the King Fisher.

If you haven't seen it, you should ask Troy and Heather if you can watch it on their VCR. Every time I watch that movie I've convicted in my faith, even though (as least as far as I know) it's not a "Christian" movie.